
Primary LanguageHTML

darktable Website

This repository holds the Pelican source code of the darktable.org website. Help improving the website by submitting pull-requests.

The website is a static site, pre-generated from source files using Pelican(Python).


Pelican uses Python. The site is currently built using:

$ python --version
Python 2.7.13

$ pelican --version

$ markdown_py --version
markdown_py 2.6.6

Additionally, some extra modules should be available:

  • PIL/pillow
    $ pip install pillow
  • python-twitter
    $ pip install python-twitter
  • BeautifulSoup
    $ pip install bs4
  • Typogrify
    $ pip install typogrify

Getting Started

It's generally good practice to use a virtual environment:

$ virtualenv2 env/
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

To build the site:

$ pelican -s pelicanconf.py

The entire site will then be available in the output directory. If you don't already have SimpleHTTPServer install it:

$ pip install SimpleHTTPServer

To serve the site via HTTP, launch:

$ cd output/ && python2 -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000