Ruby Morning Challenges


  1. Fork and clone
  2. Create a link to this repo:
    git remote add upstream
  3. For each challenge (in your fork):
    1. Checkout the branch (in your fork)
      git checkout -b <challenge_branch>
    2. Pull down the challenge:
      git pull --no-edit upstream <challenge_branch>
    3. Complete the challenge
    4. Add and commit your changes git add . && git commit -m "<insert commit message>"
    5. Checkout master branch and merge challenge branch:
      git checkout master && git merge <challenge_branch>
    6. Push to master in your fork:
      git push origin master

List of challenge branches

  • 01_ruby_intro <<<<<<< HEAD
  • 02_input_output
  • 03_largest_number
  • 04_sum_numbers
  • 05_in_array
  • 06_definition
  • 07_included_once
  • 08_count_letters
  • 09_vowels
  • 10_unique
  • 11_fizzbuzz
  • 12_count_words
  • 13_fibonacci
  • 14_hackerman
  • 15_change_letters
  • 16_palindrome
  • 17_combine_hashes
  • 18_find_errors
  • 19_balanced_number
  • 20_descending_numbers
  • 21_sort_numbers
  • 22_exes_ohs
  • 23_first_non_repeating =======
  • 02_input_output
