
Totally not a microphone to the blaseball API

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Totally not a microphone to the blaseball API

This is a python wrapper over blaseball's public APIs, including player/team/game fetches, as well as deserialization of the event stream.


pip install blaseball-mike


Full API documentation can be found at https://jmaliksi.github.io/blaseball-mike/


macOS/unix setup:

python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Publishing to pypi

Automatic (recommended)

  1. Bump version in setup.py. Use [https://semver.org/ semver], ie fixes are a patch, new features are a minor, and breaking changes are a major.
  2. Draft new release
  3. Name new tag with the version in setup.py. Add useful description.
  4. Publishing will automatically kick off a github action to publish

Manual (use in case something goes wrong with auto publish)

  1. Bump version in setup.py. Use [https://semver.org/ semver], ie fixes are a patch, new features are a minor, and breaking changes are a major.
  2. Delete dist/* and build/*
  3. python3 setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
  4. python3 -m twine upload -r pypi dist/*