Proposed Redux State

Table of Contents

  1. Helper Types
  2. Root State
  3. Edge
  4. Account
  5. Account Settings
  6. Wallet Settings
  7. Currency Settings
  8. Local Settings
  9. Synced Settings
  10. Settings
  11. Wallets
  12. Scenes
  13. Exchange
  14. Scan
  15. Send
  16. Request
  17. Device
  18. Errors

Helper Types

type WalletId = string
type CurrencyCode = string
type IsoCurrencyCode = string
type NativeAmount = string
type DisplayAmount = string
type ExchangeAmount = string
type FiatAmount = string
type GuiAmount = {
  native: NativeAmount
  display: DisplayAmount
  exchange: ExchangeAmount
  fiat: (CurrencyConverter, IsoCurrencyCode) => FiatAmount // ??? keto-derived?
type FeesSettings = Object
type PluginName = string
type SceneKey = string
type SceneState = Object

Root State

export type State = {
  edge: EdgeState, // everything non-serializable
  account: AccountState,
  wallets: WalletsState,
  settings: SettingsState,
  scenes: ScenesState,
  device: DeviceState,
  errors: ErrorsState,


export type EdgeState = {
  // everything non-serializable
  account: EdgeAccount | null,
  context: EdgeContext | null,
  wallets: {[WalletId]: EdgeCurrencyWallet} // keto-derived from account?


export type LoginTypeState = 
  | ‘newAccount’
  | ‘password’
  | ‘pin’
  | ‘recovery’
  | ‘key’,
  | ‘edge’

export type AccountState = {
  username: string, // keto-derived from state.edge.account.username
  loginType: LoginTypeState, // keto-derived from state.edge.account
  passwordReminder: PasswordReminderState

export type PasswordReminderState = {
  needsPasswordCheck: boolean,
  lastPasswordUse: number,
  nonPasswordDaysRemaining: number,
  nonPasswordLoginsRemaining: number,
  nonPasswordDaysLimit: number,
  nonPasswordLoginsLimit: number

Wallet Settings

export type LocalWalletSettingsState = {
  [WalletId]: {
    privacyMode: {
      // used to show or hide wallet balance in fiat
      isEnabled: boolean
export type SyncedWalletSettingsState = { [WalletId]: {} }
export type WalletSettingsState = LocalWalletSettingsState & SyncedWalletSettingsState

Currency Settings

export type LocalCurrencySettingsState = {
  [CurrencyCode]: {
    denominations: {[key: string]: EdgeDenomination}
    displayDenomination: EdgeDenomination, // keto-derived
    exchangeDenomination: EdgeDenomination, // keto-derived
    spendingLimits: {
      daily: {
        isEnabled: boolean,
        nativeAmount: string
export type SyncedCurrencySettingsState = {
  [CurrencyCode]: {
    spendingLimits: {
      transaction: {
        isEnabled: boolean,
        nativeAmount: string
export type CurrencySettingsState = LocalCurrencySettingsState & SyncedCurrencySettingsState

Local Settings

export type LocalSettingsState = {
  bluetoothMode: {
    isEnabled: boolean,
    isSupported: boolean
  otpMode: {
    isEnabled: boolean,
    key: string,
    resetDate: number,
    expireDate: number
  touchId: {
    isEnabled: boolean,
    isSupported: boolean
  byWalletId: LocalWalletSettingsState,
  byCurrencyCode: LocalCurrencySettingsState

Synced Settings

export type SyncedSettingsState = {
  autoLogoutMode: {
    isEnabled: boolean,
    seconds: number
  defaultFiat: IsoCurrencyCode,
  merchantMode: {
    isEnabled: boolean
  privacyModeAccount: {
    // used to show or hide total account balance in fiat
    isEnabled: boolean
  byWalletId: SyncedWalletSettingsState,
  byCurrencyCode: SyncedCurrencySettingsState


export type SettingsState = {
  autoLogoutMode: SyncedSettingsState.autoLogoutMode, // keto-derived
  bluetoothMode: LocalSettings.bluetoothMode, // keto-derived
  defaultFiat: SyncedSettingsState.defaulFiat, // keto-derived
  merchantMode: SyncedSettingsState.merchantMode, // keto-derived
  otpMode: LocalSettings.otpMode, // keto-derived
  privacyMode: SyncedSettings.privacyMode, // keto-derived
  touchId: { LocalSettings.touchId, // keto-derived
  byWalletId: SynchedSettingsState.byWalletId, // keto-derived
  byCurrencyCode: SyncedSettings.byCurrencyCode, // keto-derived
  localSettings: LocalSettingsState, // store in EdgeState?
  syncedSettings: SyncedSettingsState // store in EdgeState?


export type WalletsState = {
  byId: {[WalletId]: GuiWallet},
  activeWalletIds: Array<WalletId>,
  archivedWalletIds: Array<WalletId>,
  selectedWalletId: WalletId,
  selectedCurrencyCode: CurrencyCode,
  selectedWallet: GuiWallet // derived from byId[selectedWalletId]


export type ScenesState = {
  [SceneKey]: SceneState,
  main: {
    errorAlert: {
      isVisible: boolean // keto-derived?
    dropdownAlert: {
      // displays globally
      isVisible: boolean
    popupModal: {
      // displays globally
      isVisible: boolean
    passwordReminderModal: {
      // displays globally
      isVisible: boolean
  walletList: {
    deleteWalletModal: {
      // displays only on this scene
      isVisible: boolean,
      walletId: WalletId
    privateSeedModal: {
      // displays only on this scene
      isVisible: boolean,
      walletId: WalletId
    renameWalletModal: {
      // displays only on this scene
      isVisible: boolean,
      walletId: WalletId
    resyncWalletModal: {
      // displays only on this scene
      isVisible: boolean,
      walletId: WalletId
  exchange: ExchangeState,
  request: RequestState,
  Scan: ScanState,
  Send: SendState


export type ExchangeInfo = {
  walletId: Id,
  currencyCode: CurrencyCode,
  amount: GuiAmount

export type ExchangeState = {
  source: ExchangeInfo | null,
  destination: ExchangeInfo | null,
  transaction: EdgeTransaction | null,
  error: Error | null


export type ScanState = {
  uri: EdgeParsedUri | null,
  data: string | null,
  error: Error | null,
  legacyAddressModal: {
    isVisible: boolean,
    currencyName: string


export type SendInfo = {
  walletId: Id, // possibly keto-derived
  currencyCode: CurrencyCode, // possibly keto-derived
  amount: GuiAmount

export type SendState = {
  uri: EdgeParsedUri | null,
  spendInfo: EdgeSpendInfo | null, // keto-derived
  source: SendInfo,
  destination: {
    address: string
  feeSettings: FeesSettings | null,
  transaction: EdgeTransaction | null,
  metadata: EdgeMetadata | null,
  error: Error | null


export type RequestInfo = {
  walletId: Id, // possibly keto-derived
  currencyCode: CurrencyCode, // possibly keto-derived
  amount: GuiAmount

export type RequestState = {
  destination: RequestInfo,
  amountCurrent: GuiAmount,
  amountRemaining: GuiAmount // keto-derived


export type DeviceState = {
  contacts: ContactsState,
  locale: LocaleState,
  permissions: PermissionsState,
  specs: SpecsState

export type PermissionState = 
  | ‘granted’
  | ‘denied’
  | ‘restricted’
  | null

export type Permission = 
  | ‘bluetooth’
  | ‘camera’
  | ‘contacts’
  | ‘photos’
  | ‘bluetooth’

export type PermissionsState = {
  [Permission]: PermissionState

export type ContactsState = Array<GuiContact> | null

export type LocaleState = {
  localeIdentifier: string,
  decimalSeparator: string,
  quotationBeginDelimiterKey: string,
  quotationEndDelimiterKey: string,
  currencySymbol: string,
  currencyCode: string,

  // ios only:
  usesMetricSystem: boolean,
  localeLanguageCode: string,
  countryCode: string,
  calendar: string,
  groupingSeparator: string,
  collatorIdentifier: string,
  alternateQuotationBeginDelimiterKey: string,
  alternateQuotationEndDelimiterKey: string,
  measurementSystem: string,
  preferredLanguages: Array<string>
} | null

export type SpecsState = {
  // android only
  // apiLevel: number,
  // firstInstallTime: number,
  // ipAddress: Promise<string>,
  // instanceId: string,
  // lastUpdateTime: number,
  // macAddress: Promise<string>,
  // maxMemory: number,
  // phoneNumber: string,
  // serialNumber: string,
  applicationName: string,
  brand: string,
  buildNumber: string,
  bundleId: string,
  carrier: string,
  deviceCountry: string,
  deviceId: string,
  deviceLocale: string,
  deviceName: string,
  freeDiskStorage: number,
  manufacturer: string,
  model: string,
  readableVersion: string,
  systemName: string,
  systemVersion: string,
  timezone: string,
  totalDiskCapacity: number,
  totalMemory: number,
  uniqueId: string,
  userAgent: string,
  version: string,
  is24Hour: boolean,
  isEmulator: string,
  isPinOrFingerprintSet: boolean,
  isTablet: boolean
} | null


export type ErrorsState = {
  all: Array<Error>,
  bySeverity: {
    critical: Array<Error>,
    high: Array<Error>,
    medium: Array<Error>,
    low: Array<Error>