Pinned issues
- 0
Shifu should check if <updateIntervalSec> in Gateway is a positive integer.
#1115 opened by Twilikiss - 2
Shifu Controller should automatically create telemetryService when TelemetryService CRD presents
#790 opened by tomqin93 - 1
- 0
Japanese translation
#1057 opened by saiyan86 - 0
when ObjectID is nil return panic in lwm2m
#1033 opened by beingStrongeryqqq - 0
Test for deviceShifu LwM2M
#1013 opened by rhoninl - 0
Inconsistent SQL Server E2E test
#994 opened by tomqin93 - 0
Golang ci-lint failing in main
#984 opened by tomqin93 - 0
PLC4X image building for ARM64 is failing in main
#978 opened by tomqin93 - 1
Shifu should allow user to configure `/` instruction
#949 opened by tomqin93 - 0
E2E test for customized deviceshifu
#939 opened by rhoninl - 0
Bump go version to 1.22
#822 opened by rhoninl - 0
maybe one spelling mistake.
#832 opened by limits220284 - 0
Support Telemetry Service in other protocol
#802 opened by rhoninl - 3
convert DeviceShifuBase data structure from single EdgeDevice to a list type of EdgeDevice
#538 opened by kris21he - 0
Update deviceShifu when configurations (ConfigMap, EdgeDevice or TelemetryService) are updated
#766 opened by rhoninl - 0
TelemetryService should insert into database using device name instead of SKU
#778 opened by tomqin93 - 0
TelemetryService suspected memory leak.
#713 opened by rhoninl - 6
The simplest FSM implementation of deviceShifu
#542 opened by kris21he - 4
The traffic light FSM implementation for deviceShifu
#547 opened by kris21he - 7
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fix: change demo directory name
#603 opened by SuperAayush - 0
Bump to Go 1.20.2
#563 opened by tomqin93 - 17
Not able to read the OPCUA data, throwing Failed to read message from Server, error: write tcp 10.2xx.0.xx:47902-> write: broken pipe
#533 opened by MaheshDevulapally - 4
OPC UA node ID Browing feature on Shifu .Currently we are providing NodeID' s Manually by going to the OPC UA server loc.
#545 opened by MaheshDevulapally - 0
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In swarm mode, can config a threshold of offline devices to call a pod restart
#541 opened by kris21he - 0
In swarm mode, provide an interface of showing all the statuses of the devices
#540 opened by kris21he - 0
Customized DeviceShifu Report an Error
#510 opened by rhoninl - 1
[doc] add `go documentation` in README
#302 opened by Yang-Xijie - 1
Unable to use customize deviceshifu
#338 opened by rhoninl - 0
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PLC4X's timeout not being properly handled
#390 opened by tomqin93 - 4
[doc] generate documentation automatically
#303 opened by Yang-Xijie - 2
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Use gcr/distroless for all images
#321 opened by tomqin93 - 0
[doc] Add Linux Development Guide
#319 opened by tomqin93 - 1
[feature] Support non-utf8 non-ascii encoding for command with characters in 0x7F to 0xFF
#196 opened by smeng9 - 1
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Pipeline failed to build deviceshifu-http-plc4x
#299 opened by tomqin93 - 3
serial device data acquisition
#273 opened by 478264002 - 3
OPCUASetting of ProtocolSettings error
#260 opened by geffzhang - 0
- 1
[Bug] deviceshifu crash when telemtrySettings omit
#224 opened by rhoninl - 1
Need to bump up version for Mock devices too
#223 opened by tomqin93 - 0
[Bug] deviceshifu-http-mqtt:v0.0.6 crashes
#234 opened by Yang-Xijie - 3
[website]: Broken link after accepting disclaimer
#230 opened by smeng9 - 2
- 0
[bug] camera stops streaming without timeout
#202 opened by Yang-Xijie