
embedded RESTy http(s) server library from Edgio

Primary LanguageC++



Event driven http(s) API server library -in C++

Table of Contents



is2 is a reasonably performant event driven http(s) API server library written in C++ with support for url routing, tls (with openssl), serving static files, proxying, and subrequests.


  • threading
  • r3 like url routing with support for slugs
  • URL handler registration inspired by flask blueprints
  • tls with openssl
  • handler support for files, proxies, and subrequests.

Architecture Overview

  • is2 starts with a server object.
  • listener objects -listening on a particular port with a given scheme (TCP/TLS) can be registered with a server object.
  • handler objects can be routed to the listener objects at specified urls.

A basic example of instantation/registration:

  // create a TCP listener on port 12345
  ns_is2::lsnr *lsnr =
    new ns_is2::lsnr(12345, ns_is2::SCHEME_TCP);
  // create request handler --based on ns_is2::default_rqst_h
  ns_is2::rqst_h *rqst_h = new request_handler();

  // specify route to request handler on the listener
  lsnr->add_route("/path1/path2", rqst_h);  

  // create a server object
  ns_is2::srvr *srvr = new ns_is2::srvr();

  // register listener with server object

The Reactor

is2 has an event system similar to libevent or libuv. The reactor is a std::priority_queue of timer events with inverted ordering, for dequeue'ing the next nearest timeout. The "next nearest timeout" is used for the subsequent call to wait for events (epoll_wait, select, kqueue).

Reactor loop psuedo code:

  while true:

    // dequeue / handle timer events until timer > now
      last_timer = timer_queue.dequeue
    while(last_timer < now)

    // wait for an event -up to the next timer event
    events = wait_event(last_timer)

    // handle events if any
    for each event
      handle (readable/writeable/etc)


Build requirements


  • openssl
  • pthread

Building example

g++ ./test.cc -lis2 -lpthread -o test


Basic example


#include <is2/srvr/srvr.h>
#include <is2/srvr/lsnr.h>
#include <is2/srvr/default_rqst_h.h>
#include <is2/srvr/api_resp.h>

// define handler
class base_handler: public ns_is2::default_rqst_h
        // GET
        ns_is2::h_resp_t do_get(ns_is2::session &a_session,
                                ns_is2::rqst &a_rqst,
                                const ns_is2::url_pmap_t &a_url_pmap)
                // send json response
                return send_json_resp(a_session,
                                      "{\"msg\": \"Hello World\"}");

int main(void)
        // create server
        ns_is2::srvr *l_srvr = new ns_is2::srvr();

        // set server name -for server response
        l_srvr->set_server_name("hello world server");

        // create listener
        ns_is2::lsnr *l_lsnr = new ns_is2::lsnr(12345, ns_is2::SCHEME_TCP);

        // create handler
        ns_is2::rqst_h *l_rqst_h = new base_handler();

        // add route to listener
        l_lsnr->add_route("/hello", l_rqst_h);

        // register listener with server

        // num_threads == 0 means run single thread in foreground
        // cleanup
        if(l_srvr) {delete l_srvr; l_srvr = NULL;}
        if(l_rqst_h) {delete l_rqst_h; l_rqst_h = NULL;}
        return 0;




>curl '' -v
*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 12345 (#0)
> GET /hello HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.47.0
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Connection: keep-alive
< Content-Length: 22
< Content-type: application/json
< Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 00:42:40 GMT
< Server: hello world server
* Connection #0 to host left intact
{"msg": "Hello World"}

Performance with hurl

>hurl '' -t1 -p100 -l5
Running 1 threads 100 parallel connections per thread with infinite requests per connection
| Completed / Requested |    IdlKil |    Errors | kBytes Recvd |   Elapsed |       Req/s |      MB/s |
|     58456 /     58556 |         0 |         0 |     11064.94 |     1.00s |   62255.49s |    10.81s |
|     89685 /     89785 |         0 |         0 |     11100.93 |     1.50s |   62458.00s |    10.84s |
|    120803 /    120903 |         0 |         0 |     11061.48 |     2.00s |   62236.00s |    10.80s |
|    151836 /    151936 |         0 |         0 |     11031.26 |     2.50s |   62066.00s |    10.77s |
|    182631 /    182731 |         0 |         0 |     10946.66 |     3.00s |   61590.00s |    10.69s |
|    213663 /    213763 |         0 |         0 |     11030.91 |     3.50s |   62064.00s |    10.77s |
|    244744 /    244844 |         0 |         0 |     11048.32 |     4.00s |   62162.00s |    10.79s |
|    275814 /    275914 |         0 |         0 |     11044.41 |     4.50s |   62140.00s |    10.79s |
|    306890 /    306990 |         0 |         0 |     11046.55 |     5.00s |   62152.00s |    10.79s |
| RESULTS:             ALL
| fetches:             306890
| max parallel:        100
| bytes:               7.949221e+07
| seconds:             5.001000
| mean bytes/conn:     259.025090
| fetches/sec:         61365.726855
| bytes/sec:           1.589526e+07
| HTTP response codes: 
| 200 -- 306890


  • We welcome issues, questions and pull requests.


This project is licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 open source license. Please refer to the LICENSE-2.0.txt file for the full terms.