AirBnB clone



The implementation of the CRUD (create, read, update and delete) interface in a terminal on Python 3.4 more

Folder hierarchy

├── models
│   ├── engine
│   │   └──
│   │
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── tests
│   ├── test_models
│   │   ├── test_engine 
│   │   │   └──
│   │   │
│   │   └──
│   │
│   └──
Command Description
quit or EOF Exits the program
Usage By itself
Command Description
help Provides a text describing how to use a command.
Usage By itself --or-- help <command>
Command Description
create Creates a new instance of a valid Class, saves it (to the JSON file) and prints the id. Valid classes are: BaseModel, User, State, City, Amenity, Place, Review.
Usage create <class name>
Command Description
show Prints the string representation of an instance based on the class name and id
Usage show <class name> <id>
<class name>.show(<id>)
Command Description
destroy Deletes an instance based on the class name and id (saves the change into a JSON file).
Usage destroy <class name> <id>
Command Description
all Prints all string representation of all instances based or not on the class name.
Usage By itself or all <class name>
<class name>.all()
Command Description
update Updates an instance based on the class name and id by adding or updating attribute (saves the changes into a JSON file).
Usage update <class name> <id> <attribute name> "<attribute value>"
<class name>.update(<id>, <attribute name>, <attribute value>)
<class name>.update(<id>, <dictionary representation>)
Command Description
count Retrieve the number of instances of a class.
Usage <class name>.count()

Base and objectsd properties

Public Instance Attributes Public Instance Methods Public Class Attributes Private Class Attributes
BaseModel id created_at updated_at save to_dict
FileStorage all new save reload (n)delete (n)update __file_path __objects
User Inherits from BaseModel email password first_name last_name
State Inherits from BaseModel name
City Inherits from BaseModel state_id name
Amenity Inherits from BaseModel name
Place Inherits from BaseModel city_id user_id name description number_rooms number_bathrooms max_guest price_by_night latitude longitude amenity_ids
Review Inherits from BaseModel place_id user_id text ""

Interactive and Non-interactive

In Interactive mode, the console will display a prompt (hbnb) indicating that the user can write and execute a command. After the command is run, the prompt will appear again a wait for a new command. This can go indefinitely as long as the user does not exit the program.

  • interactive mode 🤩:

$ ./
(hbnb) help

EOF  help  quit

(hbnb) quit

  • non-interactive mode 😜:

$ echo "help" | ./

EOF  help  quit
$ cat test_help
$ cat test_help | ./

EOF  help  quit

Authors ✒️

Edher Ramirez - Edheramirez adri-er github stats
Juan David Avila - JuanDAC adri-er github stats