
MovieShelf is an offline movie catalog and viewing system designed to manage and watch movies directly from your local machine. The system allows users to register movies with details such as title, description, genre, and cover image. The video files are stored locally, and users can easily browse movies by their cover images and play them.


  • Movie Registration: Add new movies with title, description, genre, cover image, and video file URL.
  • Local Media Storage: Save video files and cover images in specified local directories.
  • Movie Browsing: Select movies by their cover images.
  • Offline Playback: Watch movies directly from your local storage without the need for an internet connection.


  • Register movies by providing the required details.
  • Browse movies by their cover images.
  • Select and play movies directly from your local machine.


Contributions are welcome! Please submit pull requests or open issues to contribute to the project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

