Der Zellkörper oder das Soma ist der formgebende Rumpf einer Zelle ohne ihre Zellfortsätze […].
– Zellkörper, DocCheck Flexikon (List of Authors, licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 Unported, accessed 2017-03-20)
eXist-db application-package for managing MEI files for Edirom Online. Supports template-based creation, deletion, and editing via eXide.
- add files
- delete files
- open files in eXide for editing
- expects collection for generated and listed MEI files in eXist-db at:
this may be changed in the following files
for file creation:
Line 50declare variable $sourceCollectionPath := 'xmldb:exist:///db/edirom_data/';
for file list:
Line 98local:ls('xmldb:exist:///db/edirom_data')
for file deletion in:
Line 38declare variable $collection := "xmldb:exist:///db/edirom_data";
This package is available under the terms of GNU GPL-3 License a copy of the license can be found in the repository gpl-3.0.txt.