
Graph Data Augmentation Library for PyTorch Geometric

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Mooon: Graph Data Augmentation Library


[Documentation] | [Examples]

Python pytorch license pypi docs

人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺。 ———— 苏轼《水调歌头》

Why "Mooon"?

Graph with data augmentations, is like the moon, now dark, now full.

Quick Tour

  • Functional API
from mooon import drop_edge

edge_index, edge_weight = drop_edge(edge_index, p=0.5)
edge_index, edge_weight = drop_edge(edge_index, edge_weight, p=0.5)
  • Module Layer
from mooon import DropEdge

drop_edge = DropEdge(p=0.5)
edge_index, edge_weight = drop_edge(edge_index)
edge_index, edge_weight = drop_edge(edge_index, edge_weight)

🚀 Installation

Please make sure you have installed PyTorch and PyTorch Geometric (PyG).

# Coming soon
pip install -U mooon


# Recommended
git clone https://github.com/EdisonLeeeee/Mooon.git && cd Mooon
pip install -e . --verbose

where -e means "editable" mode so you don't have to reinstall every time you make changes.


Note: this is an ongoing project, please feel free to contact me for collaboration.

  • Based on PyTorch
  • Support only PyG
  • High-level class and low-level functional API
  • Seamlessly integrated into existing code written by PyG