
Lightweight Autobumper and Awardfarmer (Events) for https://oguser.com written in python.

Primary LanguagePython

OGU Bumper (Working 07/2024)


alt text


[1] Bumps all threads from 'Market' section on user profile with 2 hour interval.
[2] Bumps all threads from links in threads.txt file every hour.
[3] Spams random messages in thread by input link. Useful for farming awards during events.



You need Python 3.10 or a newer Version to run your code.

Python Modules

pip install selenium==4.12.0
pip install seleniumbase
pip install randfacts


Enter your username and password in config.py. If you want to use the Autobumper by links, put your links in threads.txt


Make sure to install all the libraries, then go to the folder in your terminal and run:

python3 main.py


If you need any help with the script feel free to reach out.
Discord: edlzitrone - Telegram: @beamertaken - OGU: mf