Hi 👋, I'm Edmilson a passionate fullstack developer from Brazil

🌱 I’m currently learning backend with NodeJS, moreover, doing bootcamps and projects to acquire much practicing, interaction as well

Bank Account

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🏦 Use the app at Heroku: Bank Account App


Provide bank account basic features to keep, transfer and deposit money


ExpressJS is used on backend Prisma with MySQL on database Morgan and Winston for logging ReactJS to view and interact with API

Creating an account

  • Create a bank account and you will be capable to transfer and deposit money.
  • Constraint for one account per CPF (brazilian non-legal entity).
  • Deposits are limited by 2.000 money value.
  • Money transfer is only possible to another accounts.
  • Money deposit is allowed only for your account.

How to run app

yarn start: run app

yarn dev: run app for development

yarn test: run app tests

yarn build: prepare files to production

How to reach me

Github LinkeIn