
My emacs configuration

Primary LanguageEmacs LispBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

A Personal Emacs config

This configuration forked from Steve Purcell.

Emacs itself comes with support for many programming languages. This config adds improved defaults and extended support for the following, listed in the approximate order of how much I use them, from most to least:

  • Haskell / Purescript / Elm / OCaml
  • Ruby / Ruby on Rails
  • SQL
  • Javascript / Typescript / Coffeescript
  • HTML / HAML / Markdown / Textile / ERB
  • Common Lisp (with Slime)
  • Python
  • Rust
  • Clojure (with Cider and nRepl)
  • PHP
  • Erlang
  • Elixir

In particular, there's a nice config for autocompletion with corfu, and flymake (re-using backends from flycheck) is used to immediately highlight syntax errors in Ruby, Python, Javascript, Haskell and a number of other languages.


LSP support is provided using eglot.

demo.png The config should run on Emacs 25.1 or greater and is designed to degrade smoothly - see the CI build - but note that much newer versions are required for an increasing number of key packages, so to get full functionality you should use the latest Emacs version available to you.

Supported Emacs versions

Use the latest released Emacs version available to you. The author typically uses the latest stable version.

The config should run on Emacs 26.1 or greater and is designed to degrade smoothly - see the CI build - but even basic enhancements like completion may be unavailable if your Emacs is too old.


To install, clone this repo to ~/.emacs.d, i.e. ensure that the init.el contained in this repo ends up at ~/.emacs.d/init.el:

git clone https://github.com/EdmondFrank/.emacs.d.git ~/.emacs.d

Upon starting up Emacs for the first time, further third-party packages will be automatically downloaded and installed. If you encounter any errors at that stage, try restarting Emacs, and possibly running M-x package-refresh-contents before doing so.