Hi there 👋

Hello!! welcome!!!! the name's Edmund Ekott, for the most part I'm a Frontend Engineer but I do anything revolving around the web using JavaScript to feed my curiosity.

What I work on these days 💼

Aside from thinking about my next super cool Open Source project, I build tiny demo apps to solve problems I have as a developer or in my every day life.

What I'm learning 📖

Everyday I think about how it would feel like to have a diverse skillset across various stacks in tech, and so I figured i might as well just start now, Here's a list of technologies/tools/concepts I am currently working with.

  • React ✅
  • React Native ✅
  • TypeScript ✅
  • Node.js ✅
  • Blockchain Development/web3 ⏳
  • Algo & DS ⏳
  • System architechture ⏳

You can ask me about 📠

  • JavaScript
  • Vue.js, React.js
  • CSS
  • Browsers
  • Technology trends

Email me 👍 | My website 🌐 | Proof of concepts 🧑‍💻