
Freeplane devtools enhanced with some translation utilities

Primary LanguageGroovyGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


1. About this fork

The original devtools add-on has been developed and maintained by Volker Boerchers (github, sourceforge).

And its official websites are:

In this fork I united the last version from HaaiHenkie (v.0.9.27, look this thread) with the version from gpapp .

The instalable file (devtools-v0.10.1.addon.mm) of the latest version of this fork can be downloaded from here.



2. Description

This add-on collects some utilities that script and/or add-on developers will find useful.

The functions are available under Tools -> Development Tools

2.1. Features in standard version (v.0.9.27)

  • Build add-on:
    • adds all standard nodes, attributes and notes to the current map. Can be used with an empty Map to create a basic add-on.
  • Package add-on for release:
    • It copies the .mm to -.mm and updates the script node's context from the files lying around.
  • Generate add-on documentation:
    • Creates a snippet for the Freeplane add-ons wiki page.
  • Insert binary:
    • Asks for a file to insert as text of the current node (BASE64 encoded).
  • Extract binary:
    • Asks for a file to extract the BASE64 encoded binary in the current node to.
  • Encode translation:
    • Encode non-ASCII characters so that they don't get scrambled while packaging or installation. This function is included in Package add-on for release so you don't need this function.
  • Menu item info:
    • Shows technical details about a selected menu item.
  • freeplane.dsld:
    • Adds Eclipse editor support for predefined script bindings such as node, c, ui, textUtils, ...

2.2. Features added by gpapp version

  • Devtools with property file support
    • Freeplane devtools enhanced with some translation utilities
  • Purpose
    • Adds the ability to automatically load translations from the addon path when packaging.
    • If a 'translations' directory exists, all translation nodes will be replaced with the translations in that directory.
    • Translations must be named as LC.properties and must be in UTF-8!

2.3. Features added by this version

2.3.1. changes to add-on parameters

  • homepage
    • change: It is a new property
    • Its value is the URL address taken from the link of the root node
    • This way you can use 'homepage' to define other add-on parameters.
      For example:
      • "${homepage}/version.properties"
  • downloadUrl
    • URL from the place where the AddOn file will be available for downloading.
    • By default is the same as the homepage.
    • changes:
      • You can define a different place or a subfolder of the homepage
      • You can use other properties when defining the URL
    • Example:
      • "${homepage}/files/"
    • Example for a Github add-on repository:
      • ${homepage}/releases/download/${version}/
  • updateUrl
    • URL of the file containing information (version, download url) on the latest version of this add-on.
    • By default: "${homepage}/version.properties"
    • changes:
      • You can define a different place or a subfolder of the homepage
      • You can use other properties when defining the URL
    • Example:
      • "${homepage}/files/version.properties"
    • Example for a Github add-on repository:
      • ${homepage}/releases/latest/download/version.properties
  • addonsMenu
    • change: It is a new property
    • It defines the addon's main menu location
    • By default it's menu 'main_menu_scripting'
    • Use developer tool menuItemInfo to inspect menu location keys
    • This attribute is mandatory
    • Example:
      • '/menu_bar/myAddons'
  • changeLogURL
    • URL of the file containing the history of changes done to the add-on.
    • By default: "S{homepage}/history.md"
    • changes:
      • You can define a different place or a subfolder of the homepage
      • You can use other properties when defining the URL
    • Example:
      • "S{homepage}/files/history.md"
    • Example for a Github add-on repository:
      • ${homepage}/releases/download/${version}/history.md

2.3.2. "actions" node

  • When building a new add-on, now it adds a new "action" node.
  • This node has children nodes with links to following menu commands:
    • Build add-on
    • Package add-on for publication
    • Export Translations
    • Import Translations
  • This node is just to facilitate the access to these commands

2.3.3. new commands

  • Export Translation
    • Exports translations as properties files to 'translations' folder
    • This way you can work on the localization with other special tools
      • I'm using IniTranslator to edit these *.properties files, but, as far as I know, there are plenty of different tools to do this.
  • Import Translation
    • Imports translations from properties files
      • Only if a 'translations' folder exists
    • This way you can update the add-on with the localization files
    • This feature is also automatically applied when packaging the add-on.
      Added by GPAPP
  • Inspect installed Add-On
    • Inserts a node with the properties information of the installed add-on you select
    • A dialog appears where you can select from a list with all the installed add-ons
  • generate Addons Properties Map
    • Creates a mind map with the parameter information of all installed add-ons
    • I use this to see if the installed add-on has the right URL to its hompage and updating information.

2.3.4. other changes

  • "Build add-on" now proposes a menu text for the new scripts based on their file name
    • It transform a camelCase file name into a normal phrase
  • You can add the preference parameters as attributes in the "preferences.xml" node and it will automatically
    • build the XML text as the child node
    • add the preferences to the properties.default node, where you can define their default values
    • add the preferences to the translations node, where you can define their Option panel labels and tooltips texts
  • "Package add-on for publication" can open the new add-on for direct installation
    • this makes developing iteration easier and faster
  • "Package add-on for publication" automatically creates and updates 'history.md' file
    • It automatically creates a "history.md" file using the information from the "changes" node
    • history.md can handle multiple levels
  • "Package add-on for publication" adds change log URL property into version.properties file
    • Now it adds the changelogurl property to the version.properties file
    • This way the user can download the History file directly from Freeplane's check updates dialog

3. Change Log

  • v0.10.1
    • saved with Freeplane 1.11.1 (not compatible with previous versions)
    • Styles changed in addon .mm file
    • Added generateAddonsPropertiesMap command with its own template file
      • I use this to see if the installed add-on has the right URL to its hompage and updating information.
    • List of changes in history.md now can handle multiple levels
  • v0.9.31
    • now it creates and updates 'history.md' file
    • adds changelogurl property to version.properties file
    • changeLogURL added as preference parameter
  • v0.9.30
    • bug fixes
    • Added parametric preferences.xml
  • v0.9.29
    • Added inspectInstalledAddOn
    • Added "Export Translations" and "Import Translations" to "actions" node
    • Now it proposes a menu text for the new scripts based on its file name
    • It deletes the 'actions' node in the add-on package
    • "Export Translations" creates 'translations' folder if it doesn't exist
    • releaseAddOn now can install the add-on directly
  • v0.9.28
    • Merged with GPAPP devtools version
    • Added improved downloadUrl
    • Improved updateUrl
    • Added addonsMenu
    • Added "actions" node with links to Build and Package commands
    • Added script "exportTranslation"
    • Added script "importTranslation"
    • Added spanish translation
  • v0.9.27
    • #2847 Devtools' checkAddOn.groovy not compatible with Gradle plugin's directory structure
  • v0.9.26
    • Fix for #2798 : Menu Item Info error
  • v0.9.25
    • #2643 Devtools does not display its add-on name in menu
    • #2464 test for missing English translations for scripts
    • Set icon for devtools sub menu
  • v0.9.24
    • Fix for #2386 Special characters in add-on translations wrongly displayed
    • #2642 Devtools creates wrong menuTitleKey for scripts
  • v0.9.23
    • Fix for Freeplane 1.7.x
  • v0.9.22
    • added extractBinary
  • v0.9.21
    • menuItemInfo: adjusted to Freeplane 1.4 while keeping compatibility to 1.3
    • releaseAddOn: avoid problems with paths containing spaces
    • checkAddOn: add check for the add-on homepage
    • encodeTranslations: fix menu location
  • v0.9.20
    • fix path to version.properties
    • #2234 dealing with spaces in filenames leads releaseAddOn.groovy to crash
  • v0.9.16
    • Fix Package add-on (Mantis #2106):
      - no recursive searches for required nodes
      - avoid out of memory exception on errors
  • v0.9.17
    • fix translation encoding
  • v0.9.18
    • Fix bug in checkAddOn.groovy that prevented uninstall node from being updated.
  • v0.9.19
    • added Dutch translation - thanks to Haai Henkie!
    • checkAddOn.groovy: ignore classpath, .project and freeplane.dsld from scripts/
  • v0.9.15
    • adjusted to new scripts location in Freeplane 1.3.x_beta
    • update check and release scripts for installation of libs
    • checkAddOn.groovy does a lot more checks and automation than before
  • v0.9.14
    • update for multiple scripting languages
    • support for updateUrl
  • v0.9.13
    • update for new special translation key 'addons.${name}.description'
    • checkAddOn.groovy checks the name of the script too
  • v0.9.12
    • menuItem.groovy: copy string to clipboard
  • v0.9.11
    • New: menuItemInfo.groovy
    • fixes for 1.2.12
  • v0.9.10
    • New: addOnDoc.groovy
    • releaseAddOn.groovy:
      Creates the release map as model-only to cope with the map open hook that asks if the map should be installed.
      The map is actually saved at the end.
    • new Icons from Predrag Cuklin
  • v0.9.9
    • Better error messages in case of missing scripts and zips to include.
      Only look for scripts below the scripts node.
  • v0.9.7
    • Add support for images.
      Include icon and screenshot.
  • v0.9.6
    • Add missing file/write permission for insertBinary.groovy
  • v0.9.5
    • Make checkAddOn.groovy work for maps that are not saved
  • v0.9.4
    • Adjusted to new add-on format
    • checkAddon.groovy: add script attributes and deinstallation rules; check case of add-on name
  • v0.9
    • Initial version