Gradle Plugin for Freeplane Script and Add-on Development

The plugin allows easy debugging of Freeplane groovy scripts in IDE and adds tasks packageAddon and prepareAddonSource to package your scripts as Freeplane add-on. The packaging requires Freeplane with installed Developer Tools Add-on (see

On MacOS gradle should run under JAVA 8 for executing packageAddon. Otherwise you can run prepareAddonSource and open with build/addon/ in Freeplane and package it manually. On other OS all JAVA versions are supported.


Directory structure:

Put your source code to be packaged as jar file under

  • src/main/groovy
  • src/main/java
  • src/main/resources

Put your scripts under

  • src/scripts/groovy

Add your dependencies either to special configuration addon to be included in the created add-on installer.

Put your add-on definition mind map and add-on resources not packaged in add-on jar into

  • /src/addon
buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath 'org.freeplane:gradle-freeplane-plugin:0.6'

repositories {

apply plugin: 'org.freeplane.gradle-freeplane-plugin'

java {
    toolchain {
        languageVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of(8)

freeplane {
    // mandatory, freeplane installation directory.
    // ( directory on MacOS)
    // In this example it is taken from system environment.
    freeplaneDirectory = System.env.FREEPLANE_DIR

    // recommended, freeplane user setting directory. 
    // It should be specified without the version number suffix.
    // The value used by default can be different from your OS default.
    // userDirectory = 'user-directory'

    // optional, addon source directory
    // addonSourceDirectory = 'src/addon'

    // optional, to be set only if more then one mind map file in the addon source directory
    // addonDefinitionMindMapFileName = ''

    // optional, includes
    // includes = ['**/*']

    // optional, excludes
    // excludes = ['**/*.bak', '**/~*', '**/$~*.mm~', '**/*.gdsl', '**/*.dsld']

    // optional, max heap size for freeplane
    // maxHeapSize = '1024m'

    // optional, additional Java Runtime options
    // jvmArgs = []


jar {
    archiveFileName = 'greetings.jar'


For debugging

  • import gradle project and freeplane gradle project into your IDE (See related freeplane wiki page)
  • Let IDE compile the addon project
  • run Freeplane in IDE debugger

In Freeplane Tools -> Preferences -> Plugins

  • add all source script directories to Script search path in Freeplane preferences
  • add class root directories compiled by IDE to Script classpath in Freeplane preferences

Restart freeplane and you should be able to debug your scripts and library source files.

Example add-on project

There is an example add-on project greetings available in folder examples of this repository.