Adaptive Linesearch Algorithm

Primary LanguagePython

Adaptive Linesearch Algorithm (ALA)

ALA python code (see [1]). The implementation uses python+pytorch

3 versions of ALA have been tested:

  • Nonmonotone-Monotone
  • Monotone-Monotone
  • Nonmonotone-Nonmonotone

Machine Learning applications

ALA has been tested on the following Machine Learning applications:

  • Adult
  • Ailerons
  • Appliances Energy Prediction
  • Arcene
  • BlogFeedback
  • Boston House Prices
  • Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnostic)
  • CIFAR 10
  • Gisette
  • Iris
  • MNIST Handwritten Digit
  • Mv
  • QSAR Oral Toxicity


A. De Santis1, G. Liuzzi1, S. Lucidi1, E.M. Tronci1

1 Department of Computer, Control and Management Engineering, "Sapienza" University of Rome

Copyright 2022


[1] Fasano, G., & Lucidi, S. (2009). A nonmonotone truncated Newton–Krylov method exploiting negative curvature directions, for large scale unconstrained optimization. Optimization Letters, 3(4), 521-535.