This Shiny app allows you to interact with the results in the study "High-dimensional imputation for the social sciences: a comparison of state-of-the-art methods".
You can install the Shiny app by using one of the methods described below.
Open an R session.
, an R package that provides a way to install other R packages directly from GitHub. Run the following R command in the console:install.packages("devtools")
Run the following command:
Download the package from GitHub or Zendo.
Unzip the package.
Open an R session, and install what is needed.
First, install dependencies
.install.packages("shinyWidgets") install.packages("nFactors")
Then, install the Shiny app by running:
install.packages( "path to the folder containing the package", repos = NULL, type = "source" )
For example, on a Windows computer, this could be:
install.packages( "C:/Users/Name/Downloads/plotmihd-develop/", repos = NULL, type = "source" )
Note: because you are using the
dependencies cannot be automatically installed. If you get an error message indicating some dependencies are missing, please install them independently and try again.
To start the shiny apps and interact with the plots, open an R session and load the package:
Then, run the following command in the R console:
The app interface will explain how to interact with it.