Example Python Package

An example python package structure. Supports setup.py to allow it to be installed.

It is recommended to create a virtual environment for testing with python -m venv ".venv". Activate it before running any commands.

This should run properly on Windows, Linux, and Mac. Tested on Windows.


Install for development with invoke develop. This causes modificatios to the package to be persisted without needing to uninstall and reinstall the package.

After the package was installed, import it into the python interpreter with import example_pkg.


Uninstall with invoke uninstall whether the module was installed as develop or install. After the command is run, importing the package will raise an ImportError and the cli to output command not found.

If the package was installed in development mode, uninstalling and reinstalling is only necessary when setup.py is modified.

If the package was installed using invoke install, uninstalling and reinstalling is necessary when the package itself or setup.py is modified.


example_pkg contains a single module named module1. module1 contains two methods called func_1 and cli, and a class called TestClass. These just output things in the terminal.

CLI Entrypoint

The module also contains a CLI entrypoint which should be installed automatically in your Scripts directory with invoke develop. Run it with example_cli in the terminal assuming your PATH environment variable is configured correctly.