2D video game
Hello everybody,
Today I'am happy to show an idea that I got. My game is pretty simple, you have a cube that you have to moove to the arrival. You can compare my game at the game "Tomb of the Mask" but my game is different and more simple. Actually, I made a map generator which makes random maps which makes each map unique. I think that this game could be funny to play. You can try to launch it and maybe check the code (don't worry the code is in english). I decided to make this time a version for Mobile. I fyou want to runmy program you have to run it from Pydroid3. I will try to put my programs in the APK format for an easier run code. I'm now coding with Visual Studio Code with the last version of Pygame (2.0.1). I work on Windows and sometimes on rpi4.
(If you try to launch my game then u receive an unicode error, don't worry ! Go to the lines which load the images and just remove the \\ and put a simple \)
Goodbye !