
A set of jasmine matchers that allow for more explicit test writing and better error reporting.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

Under MIT License

Fork notes

TypeScript definitions in the typings/jasmine-matchers/ folder.

Rebuilding and running types-tests requires a npm install from project root to pull the development modules and you need the global npm install grunt-cli -g for grunt.

Use grunt typing to rebuild and test the jasmine-matchers.test.ts file from the original unit tests, run it and update typings license.

Use grunt build as replacement for jasmine-matchers's old makefile build.


This project contains a set of matchers for the jasmine test library that are very handy for more explicit test writing and especially more explicit error reportings. It contains matchers such as

  • toBeArray
  • toBeInstanceOf
  • toThrowInstanceOf
  • toHaveBeenCalledXTimes and more.


Either you use in your browser jasmine test runner by adding it after the script-tag jasmine.js:

// Since v0.2.0 you have to include every matcher on demand
<script src="jasmine-matchers/src/toBe.js"></script>
<script src="jasmine-matchers/src/toHave.js"></script>
<script src="jasmine-matchers/src/toContain.js"></script>
<script src="jasmine-matchers/src/toThrow.js"></script>
<script src="jasmine-matchers/src/toStartEndWith.js"></script>

Or when using jasmine-node you can simply install the matchers via:

npm install jasmine-matchers

And make them available in your spec-file:


// or via requirejs (assuming your specs are within PROJECT_ROOT/test):
], function() {


This used to be our (uxebu's) collection of matchers that moved from project to project, got extended here and there, let's share it.


Use make build to create one file, that lands in dist/matchers.js that you can include, if you don't like to handle multiple files.


  • integrate with travis