
Little programs for learning all the shades of the C++ programming language.

Primary LanguageC++

Little and pretty programs made for learn all the shades of the C++ programming language.


  • The C++ programming language

  • primitive types: int, char

  • Functions and variables, arrays

  • Function:

    • declaration: returnType nameFunction(inputType varInput)
    • implementation: { ...code here... }
    • call: nameFunction(varInput);
  • Memory type:

    • Heap
    • Stack: How doas stack work?
  • ̀ const` keyword

  • Pointers and References

    • Pass by value
    • Pass by reference
  • Refactoring to Classes (Intro to the OOP)

    • Class Members
    • Class Methods
    • The 'this' pointer
  • Encapsulation (public and private)

  • Constructor:

    • Default (auto if nothing defined)
    • Copy (auto if nothing defined)
    • Custom
  • static keyword

  • Review constructor and copy constructor

  • Introduce CPU player algorithm

    • Get lower/higher value from an array
    • Manage states
  • Build my container (basic array)

  • Use template class

  • Recursion for traversing the tree of states of tic-tac-toe

  • Stack data structure (pop and push operation)

    • Using iteration instead of recursion

What is the "plus plus" in C++?

  • classes
  • constructurs
  • destructors
  • default parameters
  • overloading
  • inheritance
  • virtual function
  • references



C++ implementation of Italian card game Briscola just for refreshing C++

Compile and Run

g++ .\briscola.cpp .\a.exe

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