
The easiest way to load mangas into your kindle

Primary LanguageKotlin


Manga2Kindle Build Status

The easiest way to move mangas to your e-reader.

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Manga2Kindle track the mangas at your phone and send them to your Kindle device.
It allows you to read in your e-reader while using your favourite app to buy and download mangas.


You can find guides and tutorials on how to use it at manga2kindle.com

Compiling the app

If you plan to compile the app take a look at the Build Variants, you'll find three builds, both production builds (prod-) need a proper google-services.json so I recommend you to build it using the mockDebug variant, it will fake the file and you'll be able to play as you want (it won't report stats and crashes, that's all).


The only thing you need to change is the API url, you can find that in M2KApplication class as a constant called BASE_URL.
Note that if you plan to run the app in any Android device with Pie (v9.0) or newer you'll need to use HTTPS, otherwise it won't work by default.


Library Homepage
Room https://developer.android.com/jetpack/androidx/releases/room
Retrofit https://square.github.io/retrofit/
Commons IO https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-io/
MaterialDrawer https://mikepenz.github.io/MaterialDrawer/
Android About Page https://github.com/medyo/android-about-page
Conductor https://github.com/bluelinelabs/Conductor
Conductor Support Preference https://github.com/inorichi/conductor-support-preference
Firebase https://firebase.google.com/
Crashlytics https://fabric.io/kits/android/crashlytics/
Sweet Alert Dialog https://github.com/f0ris/sweet-alert-dialog

Last updated: v2.0-RC7


If you really liked it and feel like I deserve some money, you can buy me a coffee and I'll continue transforming caffeine into code!


Copyright © 2019 Eduardo Fernandez.

Manga2Kindle is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License; see LICENSE for further details.