
Rebel anti-VK project

Primary LanguagePython


Rebel anti-VK project


  • FIXME: Learn to bulid images (or even autobuilds) and publish it on dockerhub. On deploy we'll only need to pull em, not build because building on production server takes 40 min....

  • Put your deploying user's public key to root's authorized keys on deployment target computer.
  • Install Docker on it: https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docker-ce/debian/
  • And docker-compose as well:
    pip install docker-compose # WARNING USE EXPLICITLY PIP2 AND WATCH IT INSTALLS docker package in /usr/local/lib/dist-packages/docker
  • Setup deploying computer(probably your dev PC)
    git clone https://github.com/Eduard-gan/novk.git && cd novk
    pipenv install --dev
    • Edit novk/global_env file for secure custom keys and passwords
    • Deploy project on server
      pipenv run ansible-playbook ansible/prod-deploy.yml -i ansible/hosts
    • Or run it on your local macine
      pipenv run ansible-playbook ansible/local-deploy.yml -i ansible/hosts

    FIXME: Run twice because of too slow postgres start.

    • To clean up:
      docker-compose down --rmi local && sudo rm -fr /var/novk

Build problems:

On Arch linux to pip install psycopg2cffi you need to:

  • sudo pacman -S postgresql-libs

Running outside of Docker

  • pyenv install pypy-3.5-6.0.0
  • pipenv install --python pypy3

Certbot on server:

If Cherokee is not working without cert

  • mkdir -p /etc/letsencrypt/live/novk.online
  • openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -out /etc/letsencrypt/live/novk.online/fullchain.pem -keyout /etc/letsencrypt/live/novk.online/privkey.pem

Get real cert with Cherokee

  • pip install certbot
  • certbot certonly --webroot -w /var/novk/ssl -d novk.online