
Siple demo app

Primary LanguagePython

Algo API


Services and tools

Service Purpose
algo-api The main application that exposes the API
loadgen A sample app to simulate load on the API (idea taken from here)
prometheus For collectiong metrics
grafana For visualization of metrics

Build and run

docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d

Once application starts the loadgen will start randomly query available endpoints which will allow to visialize some data in monitoring.

API Documentantion

Documentation is autogenerated and can be found under http://localhost:8000/docs


As mentioned above monitroing is done with Prometheus and it's visilaied via Grafana. There is already configured Grafana dashboard with some basic metrics, like QPS and HTTP Latency. The configured dashboard is called "Algorithms API" (I'm sending the .grafana folder which stores the Grafana database)

Grafana can be accessed under http://localhost:3000/ username/password - admin/admin

Run the tests in docker

docker-compose run --rm algo-api poetry run pytest ./
  • There are some shortcuts in Makefile which I used on my local.


  • Multistage build for smaller image
  • Extend test for API for other routes
  • Find a way to register new function by avoiding too much copy/pasting
  • Avoid hardcoding config parameters e.g. pushgateway