Sisif-Bot is a Discord bot I made for my colleagues.
Each command is prefixed with a dot.
Commands for developer:
.stapan - shows the text: „Tu ești stăpânul meu”. ("You are my master").
Technical/administrative commands (admins and group leaders):
.ping - shows ping.
.info @member_name - shows the date at which the member had joined the server and the number of roles he has.
.kick @member_name reason (optional) - kicks the member.
.ban @member_name reason (optional) - bans the member.
.unban @memeber_name - unbans the member.
Usual commands (each role beside Outsider):
.student family_name / full_name - search in a database the full name of the student (if exists) and shows it, along with the group.
.facebook / .fb - shows the link from the facebook group.
.drives info/ipc/fc - shows the link for each of the drives (info, ipc, fc).
.incoming / .teste / .examene - shows the timetable for each exam.
.sef - shows the name of our leader.
.lider 1/2/3 - shows the name of the first, second or third group's leader.
.link subject - shows the Zoom link for the subject.
.report @nume_membru reason~evidence - reports the member with the username member_name. Both the reason and the evidence can contain spaces between them. The information is send to a private, admins-only channel. I advise you to respect the sintax. Don't forget the character `~` between the reason and the evidence, to help Sisif split them properly.
.banc / .antistres - pseudorandomly shows an anecdote in Romanian language.
.joke - pseudorandomly shows an anecdote in English Language, taken from the Subreddit r/jokes.
.meme - pseudorandomly shows a meme, taken from ones of the two Subreddits: r/memes and r/dankmemes.
.noutati / .stiri / .news - pseudorandomly shows some of the last news posted on the subreddit r/Romania.
.poke member_name message_to_send - sends the message 'message_to_send' on the channel, preceded by the reference @member_name.