
This is a demo using Docker and Laravel. Data is stored here permanently


  1. Install docker and docker-compose
  2. clone this project
  3. cd into the folder
  4. runn cp my-project/.env.example my-project/.env
  5. run docker-compose up --build -d (grab a coffee, this will take some time)
  6. run docker-compose exec app rm -rf vendor composer.lock
  7. run docker-compose exec app composer install
  8. run docker-compose exec app php artisan key:generate
  9. run docker-compose exec app php artisan migrate << Wait for mysql to be ready

How to Use

  • execude any command inside the app container docker-compose exec <command>
  • run artisan commands with docker-compose exec app php artisan <command>
  • run tests with docker-compose exec app php artisan test
  • access database with docker-compose exec mariadb mysql

Default admin

user: password: please_change_me!

docker permission issue

follow these steps if you have permission issues running the container

  1. sudo groupadd docker (if group not already exist)
  2. sudo usermod -aG docker $USER -> adds your user to the group
  3. newgrp docker
  4. try to run again
  5. if there is still an error, try reboot