MSc in Informatics and Computer Engineering. I'm mainly interested in Machine Learning and Computer Vision challenges.
Pinned Repositories
A café order system composed by two Android applications, one for hand-held devices and another for public display, as well as a REST service developed in the Mobile Computing (CMOV) course.
A console application designed to simulate a bike rental/sharing program between users in the same city developed in the Algorithms and Data Structures (AEDA) class.
Console application/game based on "Bloqueio" mobile game developed in the Artificial Intelligence (IART) class.
A console application based on the Break The Ice mobile game developed in the Artificial Intelligence (IART) class.
An FTP application with the ability to both download and upload and a series of scripts designed to set up a specific network developed in the Computer Networks (RCOM) class.
Simulation of a service which provides the users with the best path from one point to another, taking into account various aspects such as time, distance and expenditure, developed in the Algorithm Design and Analysis (CAL) class.
DBpedia Visual Explorer developed in the Markup Languages and Document Processing (LAPD) class.
Scripts developed for the "Knowledge Extraction and Machine Learning" (ECAC) class "To Loan or Not To Loan" data mining case study / Kaggle competition.
Traffic sign detection and classification application developed in the Computer Vision (VCOM) class.
A 3D WebGL based model of a dining/living/bed room with customizable animations and shaders, as well as a fully interactive version of the Zurero mini game, developed in the Graphical Applications Laboratory (LAIG) class.
Eduardo-LP-Silva's Repositories
A 3D WebGL based model of a dining/living/bed room with customizable animations and shaders, as well as a fully interactive version of the Zurero mini game, developed in the Graphical Applications Laboratory (LAIG) class.
Simulation of a service which provides the users with the best path from one point to another, taking into account various aspects such as time, distance and expenditure, developed in the Algorithm Design and Analysis (CAL) class.
A program simulating a ticket reservation system in which the clients are represented by different processes (in the same machine) and each ticket booth by a thread of the main server program, developed in the Operative Systems (SOPE) class.
Traffic sign detection and classification application developed in the Computer Vision (VCOM) class.
A café order system composed by two Android applications, one for hand-held devices and another for public display, as well as a REST service developed in the Mobile Computing (CMOV) course.
A console application designed to simulate a bike rental/sharing program between users in the same city developed in the Algorithms and Data Structures (AEDA) class.
Console application/game based on "Bloqueio" mobile game developed in the Artificial Intelligence (IART) class.
A console application based on the Break The Ice mobile game developed in the Artificial Intelligence (IART) class.
An FTP application with the ability to both download and upload and a series of scripts designed to set up a specific network developed in the Computer Networks (RCOM) class.
A compiler for the Java-- language developed in the Compilers (COMP) class.
DBpedia Visual Explorer developed in the Markup Languages and Document Processing (LAPD) class.
Scripts developed for the "Knowledge Extraction and Machine Learning" (ECAC) class "To Loan or Not To Loan" data mining case study / Kaggle competition.
WebGL based model of an armored car, fully controllable by the user, developed in the Computer Graphics (CGRA) class.
A transfer application (with the use of a serial-port) based on the data link protocol of most networks developed in the Computer Networks (RCOM) class.
A distributed system for managing file backups developed in the Distributed Systems (SDIS) class.
This repository holds both projects developed in the Object Oriented Programming Laboratory (LPOO) class. Dungeon Keep is a somewhat roguelike desktop game while Turtle Wars is a mobile brawler game.
A Reddit style website for posting stories and comments developed in the Web Languages and Technologies (LTW) class. It features, among other things, individual user points (either by posting or commenting) and editable profiles.
Online store in which users can acquire different kinds of MIEIC related merchandising, with key features such as rating, reviewing, wishlisting and upcoming design polls, developed in the Database and Web Applications Laboratory (LBAW) class.
A time-management game based on the Minix operating system developed in the Computer Laboratory (LCOM) class.
Restaurant multi-agent simulation based on JADE developed in the Agents and Distributed Artificial Intelligence (AIAD) class.
Console application designed to allow the management of a bus company, having in mind individual routes, buses, drivers and their schedules developed in the Programming (PROG) class.
A simplified version of the "grep" command developed in the Operative Systems (SOPE) class.
Compilation of methods for the automatic classification of skin lesions from dermoscopic images developed in the Computer Vision (VCOM) class.
Scripts developed for the paper "Understanding when SMOTE works", developed in the "Knowledge Extraction and Machine Learning" (ECAC) class.