SmartGames Project

SmartGames is a fictitious company created for development testing purposes.

The system aims to display games images that perform events when clicked, such as displaying their details, stores with stock and corresponding maps, according to information stored in a database.


A database called "db_smartgames" was created, where its games and stores information was extracted from Livraria Saraiva's stores, only as a model for testing purposes, and the practices and information of the test should not be related to the information of the physical stores.

  • It is a fictitious system and company for learning purposes, not being made available as an online application.

  • The store information was important to have a reference on the map displayed, all addresses, phone numbers and CEP codes were taken from the site itself.

  • The game images were also extracted from Livraria Saraiva's website, not representing the property of the author of the system, as well as its details.

  • The project was developed with the PHP and JavaScript languages, as well as includes Bootstrap as a framework and the JQuery library.


Source for information about stores

Source for information about the games

Version: 1.0

Creation: 05/05/2019

Everything made with a lot of curiosity and programming passion