CiberRato Robot Simulation Environment simulates the movement of robots inside a labyrinth. Robots objective is to go from their starting position to beacon area and then return to their start position.
The MicroRato competition [], held annually at Aveiro University, uses these these tools for its Explorer league.
- simulator - The simulator source code
- Viewer - The Visualizer source code
- logplayer - The logplayer source code
- GUISample - Graphical robot agent (C++) source code
- robsample - robot agent (C) source code
- jClient - robot agent (Java) source code
- pClient - robot agent (Python) source code
- Labs - examples of labyrinths used in previous competitions
- startAll - script that runs the simulator, the visualizer and 5 GUISamples
- startSimViewer - script that runs the simulator and the Viewer
The source code was compiled with gcc/g++ - Gnu Project C/C++ Compiler (gcc version 9.3.0) using the Qt libraries (release 5.12.8) on Ubuntu 20.04.
It is required to have the development version of gcc/g++, cmake, Qt libraries release 5.x installed in the system prior to compilation. On Ubuntu 20.04 run the following:
sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake qtmultimedia5-dev
Then in the repository base dir, execute:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
To run the simulator, Viewer and C++ agent, execute (at the repository base dir):
Nuno Lau, University of Aveiro,
Artur C. Pereira, University of Aveiro,
Andreia Melo, University of Aveiro,
Antonio Neves, University of Aveiro,
Joao Figueiredo, University of Aveiro
Miguel Rodrigues, University of Aveiro,
Eurico Pedrosa, University of Aveiro,
Copyright (C) 2001-2022 Universidade de Aveiro