
Practicing rest API using jwt, express, bcrypt and sequelize. This API is dedicated to store things a user has been reading or watching such as books or tv series. It includes removing, editing, adding and getting them.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


How to run

  1. Execute npm install to install all the packages

  2. Configuring env variables. Create a file named .env, then set these variables according to your database if you're going to run it locally.

    • PORT
    • DB_NAME
    • DB_HOST
  3. Run npm run runDev also if running locally. Otherwise just run npm start.


POST /api/login

if succeded a jwt is returned

  • name
  • email
  • password

POST /api/signup


  • email
  • password

GET /api/contents

If authenticated, all user contents will be sent

POST /api/contents

If authenticated, user will be able to save a content

  • Platform(String) - where user watches or reads it.
  • Title (String) - what is the content called (required).
  • Page (String) - which page the user is if its a book.
  • Episode (String) - which episode the user is if its aa video.
    ps: either page or episode should be included.
  • Finished (Boolean) - whether that episode or page is finished.

PUT /api/contents/:id

If authenticated, users can update one of their contents.

DELETE /api/contents/:id

If authenticated, users can delete one of their contents

DELETE /api/contents/

If authenticated, users can delete all of their contents

Which tools have been used to develop this api so far?

  • Javascript
  • Express
  • Bcrypt to hash user password
  • Postgres as sql sgbd
  • jwt