About • Preview • Features • Technologies • Usage • License
e.learning is an education platform that offers courses in video format.
* Project idea provided by Rocketseat as a reward for completing the GoStack Bootcamp, however all the coding was done by me.
- Course listing
- Lessons listing
- Lesson details
- Mark course as favorite
- Functional search
- Run video on lesson screen
- Splash screen
- TypeScript
- React Native
- Styled components
- Axios
- JSON server
Assuming that you have a React Native environment ready:
1. Access the project folder in the command line
$ cd e-learning-main
2. Install the app to your emulator
$ yarn android
If the command does not start the emulator for you, do it so and run it again.
3. Start Metro server
$ yarn start
4. Start the JSON server
$ yarn server
This project is under MIT License.