
Last module of the IBM data science course on coursera

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Applied Data Science Capstone

Last module of the IBM data science course on coursera. An analysis on a Space X data set is carried out, in an attempt to model and predict the successful landing of the first stage. If the latter lands succesfully, it can be reused. This is the principal reason why Space X launches are far cheaper than those offered by other companies. If one could increase the number of succesful landings, this would have an immediate and direct economical impact.

Data Collection

Requests via SpaceX API and data cleaning:


Data collection via webscraping with BeautifulSoup


Geospatial data visualziation

[Folium](Visual Analytics with Folium.ipynb)

Exploratory Data Analysis


[EDA with SQL](EDA with SQL.ipynb)

[EDA with Data Visualization](EDA with DATA Visualization.ipynb)

Interactive Data Visualization


ML Prediction


Final Assignment

The results of the analysis carreid out in the different notebooks is reported in a presentation.

Please Note: precise instructions on how to assemble the presentation were given. This is not necessarily how I would report this DATA

