Project Overview


The project follows certain design patterns to enhance maintainability, scalability, and code organization:

  • CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation):

    • The project uses the CQRS pattern to separate the read and write operations, allowing for more flexible and scalable architecture.
  • Repository Pattern:

    • Repositories are employed to abstract the data access layer, promoting a clean separation between business logic and data operations.
  • Mediator Pattern:

    • MediatR is used as a mediator library to implement the mediator pattern, facilitating communication between components, particularly for command and query handling.


The project leverages the following technologies and frameworks:

  • ASP.NET Core:

    • The backend is developed using ASP.NET Core, providing a cross-platform, high-performance framework for building modern, cloud-based, and internet-connected applications.
  • Entity Framework Core:

    • Entity Framework Core is utilized as the Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tool, simplifying database interactions and providing a clean data access layer.
  • MediatR:

    • MediatR is employed for implementing the mediator pattern, facilitating communication between different parts of the application.
  • Microsoft SQL Server:

    • The project uses Microsoft SQL Server as the relational database management system.


The following resources were instrumental in the development of this project:

ESFJobBoard API Documentation

Jobs Controller

Get All Jobs

  • HTTP Verb: GET
  • Description: Retrieve a list of all jobs.
  • Endpoint: /api/jobs
  • Response:
    • Status Code: 200 OK
    • Body: Array of Job objects.

Get Job by ID

  • HTTP Verb: GET
  • Description: Retrieve a job by its ID.
  • Endpoint: /api/jobs/{id}
  • Response:
    • Status Code: 200 OK
    • Body: Job object.

Create Job

  • HTTP Verb: POST
  • Description: Create a new job.
  • Endpoint: /api/jobs
  • Request Body:
    • Title (string)
    • Description (string)
  • Response:
    • Status Code: 201 Created
    • Body: ID of the created job.

Update Job

  • HTTP Verb: PUT
  • Description: Update an existing job.
  • Endpoint: /api/jobs/{id}
  • Request Body:
    • Title (string)
    • Description (string)
  • Response:
    • Status Code: 204 No Content

Delete Job

  • Description: Delete a job by its ID.
  • Endpoint: /api/jobs/{id}
  • Response:
    • Status Code: 204 No Content

Applications Controller

Get All Applications

  • HTTP Verb: GET
  • Description: Retrieve a list of all job applications.
  • Endpoint: /api/applications
  • Response:
    • Status Code: 200 OK
    • Body: Array of JobApplication objects.

Get Application by ID

  • HTTP Verb: GET
  • Description: Retrieve a job application by its ID.
  • Endpoint: /api/applications/{id}
  • Response:
    • Status Code: 200 OK
    • Body: JobApplication object.

Apply for Job

  • HTTP Verb: POST
  • Description: Apply for a job.
  • Endpoint: /api/applications
  • Request Body:
    • JobId (int)
    • JobSeekerId (int)
  • Response:
    • Status Code: 201 Created
    • Body: ID of the created job application.

Update Application

  • HTTP Verb: PUT
  • Description: Update an existing job application.
  • Endpoint: /api/applications/{id}
  • Request Body:
    • // Updateable application properties
  • Response:
    • Status Code: 204 No Content

Withdraw Application

  • Description: Withdraw a job application by its ID.
  • Endpoint: /api/applications/{id}
  • Response:
    • Status Code: 204 No Content

Get Applications by Job ID

  • HTTP Verb: GET
  • Description: Retrieve a list of job applications for a specific job.
  • Endpoint: /api/applications/job/{jobId}
  • Response:
    • Status Code: 200 OK
    • Body: Array of JobApplication objects.

Get Applications by JobSeeker ID

  • HTTP Verb: GET
  • Description: Retrieve a list of job applications for a specific job seeker.
  • Endpoint: /api/applications/jobseeker/{jobSeekerId}
  • Response:
    • Status Code: 200 OK
    • Body: Array of JobApplication objects.

Users Controller

Get All Users

  • HTTP Verb: GET
  • Description: Retrieves a list of all users.
  • Endpoint: /api/users
  • Response:
    • Status Code: 200 OK

Get User by ID

  • HTTP Verb: GET
  • Description: Retrieves a user by their ID.
  • Endpoint: /api/users/{id}
  • Response:
    • Status Code: 200 OK

Create User

  • HTTP Verb: POST
  • Description: Creates a new user.
  • Endpoint: /api/users
  • Request Body:
    • FirstName (String)
    • LastName (String)
    • Email (String)
    • Username (String)
    • Password (String)
    • UserType (Int)
  • Response:
    • Status Code: 201 Created

Update User

  • HTTP Verb: PUT
  • Description: Updates an existing user by ID. Requires updated user details in the request body.
  • Endpoint: /api/users/{id}
  • Request Body:
    • FirstName (String)
    • LastName (String)
    • Email (String)
  • Response:
    • Status Code: 204 No Content

Delete User

  • Description: Deletes a user by ID. Returns no content.
  • Endpoint: /api/users/{id}
  • Response:
    • Status Code: 204 No Content