
Primary LanguageSolidity

JoKenPo Smart Contract

This Solidity smart contract implements a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors (JoKenPo) with the ability to play against another player and determine the winner based on the traditional rules of the game.

Rules of the Game

  • Rock beats Scissors
  • Scissors beats Paper
  • Paper beats Rock

If both players choose the same option, the game results in a draw.

Contract Details

Contract Address

  • Not published yet😑

Contract Owner

The contract owner is set during deployment and manages the contract's operations.

State Variables

  • result: Public variable indicating the result of the latest game.
  • player1: Address of the first player who initiates the game.
  • choice1: Private variable storing the choice of the first player.
  • owner: Immutable address of the contract owner who receives the ether from the game.



  • Initializes the contract and sets the owner to the deployer's address.

play(Options newChoice) public payable

  • Allows a player to choose an option (ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS) and place a bet of at least 0.01 ether.
  • Checks if it's the first player's turn or the second player's turn and determines the winner based on the choices.
  • Transfers the ether balance to the winner and the contract owner according to the game outcome.

finishGame(string memory newResult, address winner) private

  • Internal function to finalize the game, update the result, reset player state, and transfer ether to the winner and the contract owner.


To interact with this contract:

  1. Deploy it on a supported Ethereum network.
  2. Use a compatible Ethereum wallet (e.g., MetaMask) to play the game by calling the play function with the desired choice and the correct amount of ether.
  3. Alternatively, you can use Remix — an online Solidity IDE — to deploy and interact with the contract directly from your web browser.


  • Solidity Version: 0.8.12
  • SPDX License Identifier: MIT


This contract is provided as-is with no warranties or guarantees. Use it at your own risk.