Hi, I'm Gabriel 👋

Hello, I'm Gabriel and I really love ☕, life science, Java, programming and I'm a machine learning enthusiast. Then, I'm trying to put this all together and solve problems, creat products and do science. When I'm not brewing my coffee or getting mad with shit code made by me, I'm playing video games, reading, listening 🎶 and podcasts about tech.

  • 🔭 I’m currently working with RPA and studying at 42 School.
  • 🌱 and all the time I’m learning about Java, Spring Boot, API Rest and Machine Learning.

How to contact me: 📫

  • You can found me at LinkedIn 📱

  • If you prefer, that's my ✉️ gabriel.antonioms@gmail.com

    “You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.” — Jack London