
A simple tool for searching through your academic notebooks.

Primary LanguagePython


To run the server, you must follow these instructions:

  • At the very beginning, just clone the repo and create a "venv" for it and install the requirements via:
  pip install -r requirements.txt


  • First, you have to install postgresql. The instructions are held in this link below: https://www.postgresqltutorial.com/install-postgresql/
    • Set "password" and "port" carefully, as you should know them further.
  • Then, open pgadmin and create a database named "notebook_researcher". After that, open file "quran_django/settings/production.py" and change these items:
    • On line 88, set "Name" property to "notebook_researcher"
    • On line 90, set "Password" property to your postgresql password
    • On line 92, set "Port" property to your postgresql port
  • Final_Step:
    • Migrate the initial DB config:
      python manage.py makemigrations
      python manage.py migrate
    • Create your admin account via:
      python manage.py createsuperuser

After you've done these steps, you can run the server via:

  python manage.py runserver

After that, there will be a link that if you put "/admin" in the end of it, admin panel will be opened.