
My personal projects

My personal projects


Repo Link


Project Details by-hand-design is a website agency/business that focuses on art.

Features One-page website NavBar Links:

  1. Home
  2. About us
  3. Portfolio
  4. Contact us

Tools Foundation 6 Jquery

Contributors Beth Mwangi


Repo Link https://github.com/BethMwangi/254_kiddies

Project Details An e-commerce website selling kids stuff

Features 4page website NavBar Links:

  1. Home
  2. Boys
  3. Girls
  4. Collection
  • Shopping cart

Tools Foundation 6 API Integration: social media

Contributors Beth Mwangi

FrontEndFour Menu

Repo Link https://github.com/BethMwangi/FrontEndFour

Project Details PSD to HTML

Features one page website Menu

Tools Foundation 6 API Integration

Contributors Beth Mwangi

Library Management System

Repo Link


Project Details A library system where a student can register/login and select books from the library catalogue

Features Login Page Student portal/Welcome page Database Integration

Tools Flask Heroku Gunicorn


Burger Dome cafe

Repo Link https://github.com/BethMwangi/burgerdome_cafe

Project Details A Fast food cafe website where a user can order food

Features A one page API integration

Tools Foundation 6

Contributors Beth Mwangi