
Stream memes from and to your favorite services

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Meme Stream Build Status

For all your meme streaming needs.

What is this?

Meme stream grabs media from various external sources and stores them inside an internal db. When the time is right, the internal db is accessed and its contents are forwarded to sources of your choice.

Building and executable

So you want to build this bad boy? First you're gonna need the latest JDK 8 version. Then, after checking out the project, navigate to root directory and run:

./gradlew shadowJar

Or if you're on Windows:

gradlew.bat shadowJar

This will create an executable .jar file which you'll be able to run. You will find this file under build/libs.


After you've built the project, simply execute the .jar file:

java -jar meme-stream-<version>-all.jar

At first it will create a blank config.yml file which you'll have to fill with data if you want to use various modules. Do that and restart the application, and you should be ready to go.