
Front End Server for a journaling application

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Front End Server for a journaling application


A Front End of Bicycle Share application using NextJS framework. It provides a user a web graphics interface for interacting with the service.



Provides a method on authentication.

Current method is oAuth2 42 school.

I intend to segregate easy to interact, auth method altering. Modular change.

For not 42 school use, these strategies could be implemented:

  • Authorized users database, with manual approval, with a oAuth2 provider.

oAuth2 requires the authenticating party token. Should be provided in .env file.


Give the new users tutorial slides on how to use the service.

Borrowing / Returning Process

Give users an interactive interface for leading procedural process of borrowing and returning bicycles.

Available bicycles

Provide a visual interface on available bicycles.

Provide comments, notes on them.

Provide a way to see last few users of that bicycle with stats on use duration.



Modules of notion to html transcription should be segregated into a separate library.