
Personal python automations based on current location

Primary LanguagePython


Personal python scripts that triggers actions in a list based on current location pragmatic for iPhone platform, but if ask I can deliver script for Android also :)

server comunicates messages via Discord platform


  1. pip install openai
  2. pip install pyicloud==
  3. other dependencies to be updated

API & Services registration required:

  1. Discord - only needs a server with a hook
  2. Google Geocode - https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/geocoding/overview
  3. OpenAi - https://openai.com/blog/openai-api
  4. iCloud account - https://www.icloud.com/

Configs to update:

  1. _config.py -> config.py - must have api keys logins and passwords
  2. _addressList.json -> addressList.json intended to contain list of triggerable addresses and acctions

Application idea structure in abstraction:

  1. Linux Server
  2. Phone location extraction 2.1 Position Extraction 2.2 Position Translation into address, or business
  3. Information delivirence to users phone (discord, facebook mesanger, IRC server client...)
  4. A list of address triggered actions()


  1. loopUpdateLocation.py -> runtime handle
  2. actions.py -> holds triggarable actions

about programming style: writen in functional hierarchical modular style. It's them scripts after all.