
a simple proxy vpn tool with golang language which support http and https.

#Compile both on server and client

$ go build http_proxy.go

#run on server, which must be able to access the domainname that you want to. run it maybe need sudo.

$ sudo ./http_proxy

#config on client hosts file (/etc/hosts), add any domainname that you can't access directly because of net limit or check to map to local ip (, such as :

$ vi /etc/hosts

#run on client

$ sudo ./http_proxy -s your.server.hostname(ip/domain name)

#test on client with net tool or browser

$ curl

if you get the response content of , congradulation! If not please check the print log info.


1.on mac, I suggest use safari browser,if you use chrome browser please disabe the 'open proxy settings' in setting->advanced->system item.