
Basic Giphy search website using plaited library

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Giphy Search

A simple web site to search for gifs using Giphy. Time boxing to 4-5 hours of work.

UX Requirements

  • Pagination
  • Adjust Page count 25 50 75
  • Use Search params to indicate current offset
  • When clicking on a gif it should try and share it

Bugs and Todos

Plenty this is a simple website and there are edge cases that are not accounted for.

  • The Giphy sdk couldn't be used because of use of type="module" in package.json field
  • It's not a responsive design and is best used on a desktop monitor
  • It exposes the api key client side opening it up for abuse
  • The entire repo lacks tests but time boxing this didn't really allow for that
  • Navigation buttons do not update results when used
  • Needs more rich styling, animations, and a better empty state
  • Accessibility needs to be audited and fixed

Dev Requirements


  • Bun >= 0.5.9


  • vscode
  • Docker


  • none

Dev Setup


  1. Clone repository and ensure you have bun >= 0.5.9 installed
  2. Run bash setup.sh


  1. Install docker on local machine
  2. Ensure docker desktop daemon/app is running
  3. Open new window for VSCode
  4. ctrl/cmd + shift + p
  5. Search for Dev Containers:Clone Repository in Container Volume
  6. Enter this repo name plaited/utils
  7. Wait for it to download and set everything up
  8. Open a VSCode terminal tab and run zsh setup.sh


  1. Login into github
  2. Click on green code button and create codespace
  3. In codespaces terminal run zsh setup.sh

Screenshot 2023-06-04 180710