
Some common use function in c++ project and math

Primary LanguageC++


Some common use functions in c++ project and math

Build & Install

Only tested in ubuntu!!!

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. 
# run tests
make test
sudo make install

Or, you can use ninja

# install Ninja 
sudo apt install ninja-build

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -G Ninja
# run tests
ninja test
sudo ninja install

Todo list

  • add tests
    • time
    • SimpleTime
    • Macros
    • mutex
    • eulers & transforms
    • average quaternion
    • math
  • add install in cmakelists
  • use C++ time instead of posix time
  • avoid singularity in eulers
  • use map (or unordered_map) instead of vector for clocks
  • SimpleTime: user-define judge time
  • add cmake find
  • add cc file for simple time instead of implementation in header file