This repository contains programs written for the system engineering and DevOps track at 'ALX Africa SE'. In these projects, I worked with Bash and practiced writing Bash scripts to automate tasks. I learned about the OSI model and various Linux networking tools. The specific list of projects contained follows:
- 0x00. Shell, basics
- 0x01. Shell, permissions
- 0x02. Shell, I/O Redirections and filters
- 0x03. Shell, init files, variables and expansions
- 0x04. Loops, conditions and parsing
- 0x05. Processes and signals
- 0x06. Regular_expressions
- 0x07. Networking basics #0
- 0x08. Networking basics #1
- 0x0A-configuration_management
- 0x0B-ssh
- 0x0C-web_server
- 0x0D-web_stack_debugging_0
- 0x0F-load_balancer
- 0x10-https_ssl
- 0x11-what_happens_when_your_type_google_com_in_your_browser_and_press_enter
- 0x13-firewall
- Tolulope Fakunle <Tolulope05>
All work contained in this project was completed as part of the curriculum for ALX Africa SE. ALX Africa is an online full-stack software engineering program that prepares students for careers in the tech industry using project-based peer learning. For more information, visit this link.