License ======= Copyright (c) Jan Carreras Prat 2013. License: GPL3. See the COPYING file or take a look to Webpage ======= Official webpage: Official repository: About ===== Developed by: Jan Carreras Prata <> Stage of developement: Beta Contact: Feel free to contact me if you have a request, for reporting bugs, or just to say thanks. Install ======= PACKAGE RaspCTL has a debian packaged in a public repo. Follow the instructions given in the official webpage ( This is the BEST and easyest way of installing RaspCTL. Or you can simply try to install it by yourself manually (hard way): DEPENDENCIES Required system packages: $ sudo aptitude install python-bottle mercurial Required if you want to use the webcam: $ sudo aptitude install fswebcam USER This application MUST run as non-privileged user. It is possible to run it as root but is strongly discouraged. You can create other user different than "pi" if you want. GROUPS Make sure that you user is in the video and audio groups: $ sudo adduser $USER video $ sudo adduser $USER audio If you user as been added to one of this two groups, reboot the Rasberry Pi. CLONE THE PROJECT FROM REPOSITORY $ hg clone $ hg update stable PRIVILEGED COMMANDS If you want to use the "services" section (start/restart/... services in /etc/init.d/*) you must execute the command below. For more information read the commands in the file itself (I strongy recommend it): sudo ./scripts/ deploy [user] Being "user" the name of the user that will execute RaspCTL. The default is "pi". STARTING THE APP Must be started from the root directory of the application $ cd raspctl $ python You can now browse to http://your-rasppi-ip:8086/ DETACH APP FROM CONSOLE If you want to execute the web application like if it were a daemon you can do: $ nohup python & DEVELOPERS If somebody is interested in modify the code just have to run the DEPENDENCIES and STARTING THE APP steps. If you have problems, drop me an email.