
Custom Top from CS326; Done in 2020

Primary LanguageC

Project 1: System Inspector

See: https://www.cs.usfca.edu/~mmalensek/cs326/assignments/project-1.html

To compile and run:



This program reads the /proc directory, parsing various files, interpreting the usage, and showing in a tabular format. It mimics and serves as a simpler version of top or htop on *nix machines.

The /proc directory on a linux machine stores the important information of the machine, including but not limited to:

  • uptime

    • a file containing the current uptime statistics of the machine
  • meminfo

    • a file containing the information of memory usage on the machine
  • cpuinfo

    • a file containing information on the cpu of the machine


In order to build it, go to the main folder and run make. This will build all the files.


In order to run it, build the files, then input ./inspector into the terminal. This will run the executable file of the inspector.

Running Options

There are various options for running the inspector.

./inspector -h
Usage: ./inspector [-ahlrst] [-p procfs_dir]

    * -a              Display all (equivalent to -lrst, default)
    * -h              Help/usage information
    * -l              Task List
    * -p procfs_dir   Change the expected procfs mount point (default: /proc)
    * -r              Hardware Information
    * -s              System Information
    * -t              Task Information

Files Included

There are several files included:

  • display.c: The c file in charge of running a terminal display
  • display.h: The header file containing definitions for display.c
  • inspector.c: The c file in charge of pulling in our command line arguments, parsing data, and printing data
  • logger.h: The header file used for logging
  • procfs.c: The primary c file in charge of parsing various files within the /proc directory, returning data for our inspector and display files to read and show
  • procfs.h: The header file for procfs.c
  • util.c: The c file containing utility functions to help with parsing and reading data, used in other files
  • util.h: The header file for util.c containing function definitions and structures.

Program Output

Hostname: erees | Kernel Version: 5.8.1
CPU: AMD EPYC Processor (with IBPB), Processing Units: 2
Uptime: 25 days, 5 hours, 23 minutes, 9 seconds

Load Average (1/5/15 min): 0.00 0.01 0.05
CPU Usage:    [--------------------] 0.5%
Memory Usage: [#######-------------] 36.6% (0.3 / 1.0 GB)

Tasks: 118 total
1 running, 0 waiting, 117 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie

      PID |                 Task Name |        State |            User
  144334 |                 inspector |      running |           erees


To execute the test cases, use make test. To pull in updated test cases, run make testupdate. You can also run a specific test case instead of all of them:

# Run all test cases:
make test

# Run a specific test case:
make test run=4

# Run a few specific test cases (4, 8, and 12 in this case):
make test run='4 8 12'