Mango Messenger is an opensource instant messaging system such that implemented using .NET 6 REST API backend along with Angular project as frontend part. In general, it is considered to be a bachelor's degree project. Bachelor's project has been successfully completed by the team of three students on 10-02-2022. The defence is completed, however it is worth to continue working on the project pursuing the another predefined goals.
- Implementation of simple, maintainable, safe and scalable code base following the KISS and YAGNI software development principles. Make sure to use Null Reference Types.
- To maintain the code quality using static code analyzers such as ReSharper, SonarQube where SonarQube analysis is a part of the CI/CD pipeline with further publication of the QualityGate results. Also to use proper IDE configurations and style rules, it is about editor config and stylecop extensions.
- To maintain high (> 70%) code coverage using unit tests, integration tests and E2E tests with ongoing publication of the coverage report to the Azure DevOps statistics.
- Implementation of the layered architecture where each layers is a separate project responsible for single part of the application. For example, the Domain layer is responsible for the business logic and validates itself, see issue #1.
- Implementation of the productive quick and safe development process. It is mainly about organization of the CI/CD process using Azure DevOps and Azure pipelines so that each pull request to be validated and tested. Moreover, the CD (Continuous Deployment) must be confirmed manually be designated person.
- Implementation of the E2E tests inside CI/CD pipelines using Docker Compose and Postman.
- Implementation of the IaaC using Hashicorp Terraform and applying this infrastructure on behalf of CI/CD pipelines.
Obligatory required software:
- .NET SDK 6.0.202 or later:
- NVM For Windows:
- Docker:
- Angular:
- Angular CLI:
- NodeJS:
- NPM:
- Code Editor or IDE: Visual studio, Visual studio code, Rider.
Set up the following environmental variables:
: JWT issuer claim (defaulthttps://localhost:4200
: JWT audience claim (defaulthttps://localhost:5001
: Secret used to sign jwt token in form of GUIDMANGO_EMAIL_NOTIFICATIONS_ADDRESS
: Email address used in notifications and verificationsMANGO_FRONTEND_ADDRESS
: URL of the frontend application (defaulthttps://localhost:4200/
: Database connection string in Postgres format ( default:Server=localhost;User Id=postgres;Password=postgres;Database=MangoApiDatabase;
: Connection string of the blob Azure blob storage serverMANGO_BLOB_CONTAINER
: Name of the Azure blob storage containerMANGO_BLOB_ACCESS
: Azure blob URL where files are availableMANGO_MAILGUN_API_KEY
: API key of the MailGun service used for sending email notificationsMANGO_MAILGUN_API_BASE_URL
: API base URL of the MailGun service (default:
: Verified domain used in MailGun serviceMANGO_API_ADDRESS
: Used for Diffie-Hellman handshake test (default:https://localhost:5001
: SQL server database used for integration tests- (
Data Source=DESKTOP-1V4TC6J;Initial Catalog=MangoIntegrationTests;Integrated Security=true;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=True;Connection Timeout=30;
) , connection string for the database in docker has format:Server=tcp:localhost,1444;Initial Catalog=MANGO_DEV;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;Password=x2yiJt!Fs;MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=True;Connection Timeout=30;
After setup of the environmental variables, run the following commands in order to up docker container under the http://localhost:8000:
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
Perform the following steps:
- Install NVM:
- Install NodeJS 14.17.3 using NVM via PowerShell as Administrator:
nvm install 16.13.1
- Use NodeJS 14.17.3 using NVM via PowerShell as Administrator:
nvm use 16.13.1
- Check NodeJS installed properly (should be 16.13.1):
node -v
- Check NPM installed properly (should be 8.1.2):
npm -v
- Go to the project folder:
cd MangoAPI.Client
- Restore node modules:
npm ci
- Install Angular CLI globally:
npm install -g @angular/cli@13.3.4
- Open PowerShell as Administrator and type:
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
- Check that Angular CLI installed properly:
ng version
- Build project for development using Angular CLI:
ng build --aot --configuration development
- NOTE: for production command is:
ng build --aot --configuration production
- Restore .NET packages:
cd .. & dotnet restore
- Run the .NET web API:
dotnet run
- Navigate to the swagger:
- Navigate to the root url:
In case of HTTPS certificate issues:
- SDK:
.NET 6
- Frameworks:
- Persistence:
- Database:
MS SQL Server
- ORM:
Entity Framework Core 6.0
- Storage:
Azure Blob Storage
- Database:
- Authorization:
ASP .NET Identity Core
,JWT Bearer
- Business Logic:
Fluent Validation
- Presentation:
- API Documentation:
OpenAPI (Swagger)
- Realtime Communication:
- Frontend Development:
- Desktop Development:
- API Documentation:
- Unit and Integration Testing:
- Code Quality Tools:
- Containerization:
- Continuous Integration:
GitHub Actions
- Continuous Delivery:
GitHub Actions
,Azure Devops
,Azure Pipelines
- Programming languages:
- Tools & IDE:
Visual Studio
,VS Code
.NET 6.0.202
- Angular:
- Angular CLI:
- NodeJS:
- NPM:
The opened tasks and issues to be organized an handled as follows:
- Each task has an assigned number in the format
- Active tasks are available on the Trello board:
- Each task branch is based on the actual
branch and pull requested there on complete - Branch
then merged toazure-dev
branches on particular milestone complete
Version control to be organized as follows:
- Fork this repository
- Clone this repository using
git clone${{ username }}/MangoMessengerAPI.git
- If repository is cloned already then pull last changes from
usinggit checkout develop
git pull
- Create new branch based on
with name according toMANGO-ID
of the task - Solve the task
- Create pull request to
- In case of bug fix, example of commit message
bugfix: some bug fixed
- In case of feature, example of commit message
feature: some new functionality added
- In case of refactor, example of commit message
refactor: some code part refactored
- Trello:
- Database diagram: