
Pytorch solution for Planet: Understanding the Amazon from Space https://www.kaggle.com/c/planet-understanding-the-amazon-from-space

Primary LanguagePython


Pytorch code for Kaggle competition https://www.kaggle.com/c/planet-understanding-the-amazon-from-space. Overview of this challenge and my solution (slides)

Project Structure

  • planet/ - python2.7 module
  • planet/pretrained/ - pretrained models, a lot of intermediate ones
  • planet/model.py - different CNN models (one function - one idependent model, imported explicitly in train.py)
    • planet/generic_models/ - boilerplate for resnets, ...
  • planet/boilerplate.py - routines + lr scheduler
  • planet/transform_rules.py - rules to transform input data for training (normalization, augmentation, ...)
  • results/ - runtime results (automatically created)
  • data/ - in this folder the data should be placed as follows
ls data
sample_submission.csv  test-jpg  test-tif-v2  train.csv  train-jpg  train-tif-v2

Hardware/Software requirements

Mandatory gpu + cuda. I used TitanX for training (4-8Gb memory was enough).

My setup:

  • Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS
  • CUDA
  • Anaconda2 4.2.0 (sckit-learn, ...)
    • wget https://repo.continuum.io/archive/Anaconda2-4.4.0-Linux-x86_64.sh; chmod +X Anaconda2-4.4.0-Linux-x86_64.sh; ./Anaconda2-4.4.0-Linux-x86_64.sh
  • Pytorch 0.1.12_2
    • conda install pytorch torchvision -c soumith

Additional packages:

  • visdom for graphs: pip install visdom
    • for start service: sudo python -m visdom.server -p 80
  • cv2: conda install opencv


Train.py: train a model + generate a submission file.

Usage: train.py [options]

 -h, --help            show this help message and exit
 -b BATCH_SIZE, --batch_size=BATCH_SIZE
 -e EPOCH, --epoch=EPOCH
 -r WORKERS, --workers=WORKERS
 -l LR, --learning-rate=LR
 -m MOMENTUM, --momentum=MOMENTUM
 -w WEIGHT_DECAY, --weight_decay=WEIGHT_DECAY
 -o OPTIMIZER, --optimizer=OPTIMIZER
                       resums training from a specific epoch
                       train/val split percantage
                       For lr schedule, on plateau how much to descrease lr
                       Early stopping on a specific number of degrading
 --folds=FOLDS         Number of folds, for ensemble training only
                       possible: adaptive, adaptive_best, decreasing or
                       frozen.                        adaptive_best is the
                       same as plateau scheduler
 --model=MODEL         Which model to use, check model.py for names
                       Specify a transformation rule. Check
                       transform_rules.py for names
                       weigh loss function according to class occurence or
                       warm_up_epochs number if model has it
                       max_stops for plateau/adaptive lr schedule
                       weigh sample according to class occurrence or not
                       Data type. Possible values: jpg|tif|tif-
 --run_type=RUN_TYPE   train|eval
 --shard=SHARD         Postfix for results folder, where the results will be
                       saved, <results+shard>/
 --holdout=HOLDOUT     if eq. 1, then small 10% holdout set is not used for
                       training, but for blending later
                       Use blacklist file of garbage images or labels, *Used
                       for ensembles only*

Best single model was trained:

python2.7 train.py -l 0.3 -b 96 --model mix_net_v6 --transform mix_index_nozoom_256 --lr_schedule adaptive_best --data_type mix --max_stops 3


python2.7 train.py -l 0.3 -b 96 --model mix_net_v6 --transform mix_index_nozoom_256 --lr_schedule adaptive_best --data_type mix --max_stops 3 --run_type ens --folds 5 --shard _5_mixnet6_hvb

Train.py automatically generate submission.csv, with ensemble option on - submission{0,1..}.csv + detailed_submission*.csv (with probabilities), which you should average or blend or stack after.


Best single model (mixnetv6) solution consist of following tricks:

  • 6-channel input (3-jpg channel, NIR-chanell, NDWI-index, SAVI-index)
  • model: resnet18 on jpg, resnet 18 on nir+indexes, concat -> 256 embedding FC + final FC
    • jpg branch lr modifier 0.05 to base LR, for nir branch - layer{3,4} - 1.0, layer{2,3} - 0.1, FC - 1.0
  • plateau scheduller on val loss (cross-entropy), patience=3
  • early stopping: 6 epochs
  • train time augmentation: shift, flip, scale, rotate, transpose
  • test time augmentation, 6x: as-is, rotate 90*{1,2,3}, flip x, flip y
  • standart for this challenge searching thresholds for F2 (firstly I implement per class search - it is more consistent, but default on scale is better)

Best Ensemble:

  • trained various models on jpg, mix channels
    • models:
      • densenet{121,169} on jpg, 5 folds
      • mixnetv6, mixnetv3 (different LRs) 5,6,7 folds
      • wideresnet on 6-channel (for mix branch unpretrained WideResNet), 7 folds
      • resnet18 + embedding FC on 8 folds
  • best submit was based on weighting predictions using holdout F2 score, weight=((score - min_score)/max_score)**0.5

Blending + stacking

Note that this scripts were written in a hurry and are just bunch of ad-hoc code. use it on your own risk ;)

Using blend.py and stack.py one can ensemble predictions.

For stacking the code uses out-of-fold prediction, which are automatically done. For blending (learning classifier on a holdout dataset) while training use --holdout to hold 10% of the train dataset (data/holdout.txt)

For stack.py one more prerequisite:

pip install stacked_generalization


python2.7 stack.py --folder stacks/stack4

$:ls stacks/stack4
5_densenet121_hv  5_dn169_hv  5_mixnet6_lowLR_hv  5_mixnetv3_hv  5_selu_hv  6_jpg_hv  6_mixnet6_lowLR_hv  7_mixnet6_lowLR_hv  7_wide_hv  8_jpg_hv


  • Best single model: mixnet_v6: private: 0.92905, public: 0.93071
  • Best blended ensemble: private: 0.93015, public: 0.93217
  • Best submit during competition: 0.93023: 0.93168 (also ensemble)