
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Simple Social

Simple social is a code sample to get started with a social network like app.

Run locally

Local website is accessible through port 3000, backend through 8000. Make sure to have mongo service running, the data is stored in the /test schema.

cd back/
npm start&
cd ../front/
curl http://localhost:8000/health && \ # we make sure backend is started before running frontend
    npm start 
pkill node #kills backend on front end exit
cd ..

Run on docker

Dockerized API is accessible through port 8080.

cd back/
docker compose up&
cd ../front/
curl http://localhost:8080/health && \ # we make sure backend is started before running frontend
   REACT_APP_IS_IN_DOCKER=true npm start 
cd ..

Run tests

To run api tests, use npm test.


Authentification, Tests, Dockerize node